Zaxel News: Zaxel introduces 4K HFR (high frame rate), HDR (high dynamic range) server

Santa Clara, CA (June 16, 2015)

June 16, 2015

As more cameras and display devices have 10 bit and 12 bit video and 120 Hz refresh rate, there are requirements for 4K HFR and HDR servers.

Zaxel added HFR and HDR options to Zaxtar 5 video server.

Video input and output options are:

    HDMI x 4, 10/12 bit, YUV 422, 120P
    DL DVI x 4, 10/12 bit, RGB 444, 120P
    SL DVI x 8, 10/12 bit, RGB 444, 120P

    DisplayPort x 4, 10 bit, RGB 444, 120P
    DL DVI x 4, 10/12 bit, RGB 444, 120P
    SL DVI x 8, 10/12 bit, RGB 444, 120P

Videos for play back can be prepared by the input video or 10/12 bit 120P files in DPX, AVI or 16 bit DPX and TIFF.

These servers have vertical scan line synchronization. So input and output can be extended to support 8K and larger video.

For pricing and further information, please contact


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