Zaxel Delivers Uncompressed Equivalent (UEQ) Stereo 4K servers to RENCI (University of North Carolina)

Santa Clara, CA (July 17, 2008) — Today Zaxel has announced that it delivered Zaxtar Stereo 4K servers to RENCI, University of North Carolina. It consists of two chassises, each of which has 4 Dual Link HDSDI input and output connectors, and contains 8 TB of storage. The video is stored with ZLC, software mathematically lossless compression, so that up to 5 hours of Uncompressed Equivalent (UEQ) stereo 4K 10 bit RGB 444 video can be stored. The server can be expanded to contain up to 24 TB each for the total of 15 hours of uncompressed equivalent videos.

The stereo servers will be used for visualization of scientific and engineering simulation results such as weather modeling and molecular dynamics.

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